Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So, skimming over my birthday (Nov 4), election day (Nov 4), thanksgiving (Nov 21), and any other exciting November holidays, it brings us to that awkward "Happy Holiday Season, if you choose to celebrate anything at this time of year" time of year.

Me and my cat find ourselves at my parent's house. My car is dead and the roads are a sheet of ice. No way out even if I needed one. Hopefully, and ideally, I will have a vehicle of some sort by the end of this week/beginning of next week to head home with.

I have been biding my time doing a few useful things, but mostly just leveling on WoW. If I would only play one character, it would be a lot simpler. But for me, it is more of a social thing, I guess. Sure, I enjoy playing, but I log on/off several different servers to see if anyone I know is online. When I find someone, I play whatever I have on that server. Thus I don't have one high level, but eh... it works for me.

I should find something constructive to do to fill the next few days of my time, but I don't feel like it... This whole semester has been that way: Blah. No thanks. I'll do something else. That could explain my grades...

That whole situation is not good right now. I am waiting to find out my GPA to see how it going to affect the rest of my college career. I am trying to plan for working and classes and trying to get out in less than 5 years. We shall see if I can do it.

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