Friday, August 01, 2008

Creation Rant

This was part of an email discussion that I was sending and decided it expressed my thoughts well (albeit, perhaps a bit angry sounding). I thought I would post it somewhere, so here it lands...
(any thoughts, rebuttals, etc are welcome)

I definitely have trouble with everything came from nothing, but I also have an issue with everything happening in 7, 24-hr periods of time.
I don't see this as a non-faith issue (as many would), I fully believe that there is absolutely no reason that my faith and the most up-to-date science should conflict in any way. My God created what they are studying and thus I think it should align perfectly. When it doesn't, there is confusion somewhere. I don't attempt to point my finger and say science is wrong or the Bible is wrong, but just that someone, somewhere have their facts a little crooked.
To me, a Christian who can't stand the thought of 'believing what science finds' [through studying the nature that their God created] is discrediting Him. To those who don't believe in God because of what science says, I believe are confused about who and what He is, and largely are not open-minded enough (despite what they say) to actually allow themselves to consider that everything could be created by a Greater Being (because if they allowed themselves to really discover for themselves and not just rely on what others say Christianity is, they would have to realign their entire world view, and it is much easier to just deny it all).

note: some of this (largely what is directed at other people, as everyone has their own reasoning) I would reconsider/reword before I stated it again, but upon first rushing of thoughts, I said what I said and I am not going to edit that out of my original statement.

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