Friday, March 12, 2010

Kitchen Cure [Week 3] Round 1

Week Three:
1) Deep cleaning everything that still needs to be cleaned
2) Special project to improve the kitchen
3) Add something beautiful to the kitchen

Well... I am headed out of town for a while and then I have homework and school starts back on Monday (have been on spring break). So, this week will be getting a bit of time crunch compared to the first few.

I've been dreading the deep cleaning phase. My kitchen looks pretty clean most of the time (even if not all that straight), but actual cleanliness? Well, it's not quite up to par there. I don't think my floor has been washed since my Mom did it when I first moved in, 6+ months ago (sorry Mom!) (but does it make it better that I have swept some?). I'm pretty sure there are still cat/dog toys under the fridge/stove from my apartment's last occupant. And there are black tire marks on my floor (partially covered by a rug) from where a friend worked on my bike in the kitchen due to rain outside and no other good location...

Special project? I haven't started thinking on that one. I suppose that could have been one of those things drifting in the back of my mind as I try to go to sleep, but it wasn't even that close to consciousness. The thing that disgusts me the most are the holes that are worn behind the handles on the cabinet doors. I don't know that there is much I could do with that, however. I cannot replace or paint the cabinets and even if I wanted to update the handles/knobs from the late 70s look, there are worn finger holes underneath - gag.

Then there's the question of what should I do/add/hang/place to beautify my kitchen? I feel like I have been doing some of that along the way, so if I don't easily come up with some cost effective solution (that I really like), then I may just cop out of this one. :)

*Sigh* So much to be done. But it is worth it - I already know that. I can find things, and fit things in better locations, and not have stuff stacked in piles that are crawling across my floor...

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