Thursday, March 12, 2009

Timing is Everything

Yay snow.

Yay spring break.

Boo snow on spring break.


Thursday, February 19, 2009


There are days that I sit at work staring that comptuer screen and get to the point where I am on the verge of leaving early so I can accomplish something elsewhere and I have to remind myself "if I leave now, that's $15 (etc) that I am forfeiting..." Then I carefully weigh whether the time sitting here is worth the money. Usually I stay. Some days (maybe today in another 30 min or so) I may weigh oppositely and leave...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Car

Got a "new" car recently. It's not bad ...better than some options. 'Tis a white 1990 Ford Taurus.

This is the license plate that came on the front of it. Not that I have anything against beef, but it has since been removed. :]


Did you know you can trip out on nutmeg? Interesting.

No. I haven't tried it. I bought a book...
Everything You Wanted To Know About Drug Abuse ...but were afraid to ask*

Apparently, it works well to mix it with orange juice... I won't include all the details here, but it is one of the more interesting things that I have learned so far.

And the poor checkout lady - I wandered around Goodwill for 45ish minutes near closing time and in the end only bought a 53 cent book about drug abuse. I'm sure she thought all sorts of things... :]

* Charles L. Winek, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1974

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Thoughts on God and Truth

An interesting site worth some reading time. Realistic struggles are confronted and he makes you think:
Thoughts on God and Truth